CategoryLiver Transplant
December 10, 2020
A Little Background on the New Book…
After an unexpected delay, my Christmas novella, Holiday Gifts for Insufferable People, is now available for pre-order on Amazon. For the time being, it’s only available in Kindle, but—fun fact!—you can read a Kindle ebook on any device using the free Kindle app. I wrote Holiday Gifts for Insufferable People with one specific goal in mind: I wanted to give…
January 7, 2020
I spent the morning watching my own heart.
Written June 2019. I had an echocardiogram this morning. I lay on my side with goop on my chest, watching a black and white image of my own heart pumping. At one point, the ultrasound tech turned the sound on, and I heard the echo-y swish-and-pump inside my chest. For a handful of seconds, I listened with privileged awe as…

January 1, 2020
I am the recipient’s daughter.
Written at 1:00 a.m. several months ago. I am sitting in the dark at Peter’s dining room table next to the shadow of a wine bottle I drained at dinner (it was four nights in the draining, for the record) and next to the wildflowers Peter picked for me after rock climbing today. I want to be asleep, but I’m…